From the Team Desk

The team members express/share their thoughts,experiences and the achivements here !

Josef Aeberhard

The story of the Begining

The Man behind this movement is Mr.Josef Aeberhard who tells us ‚‘what impressed him to start this mission‘ on his own words.

My Name is Josef Aeberhard. I was born onthe 9th of December 1940 in a small village in Switzerland.

I started my professional career as a travel agent at the Swiss railways. My special field was Tour operating for groups, especially in Switzerland and European countries. My duty was to attend big groups on travelling.

At the end of 2000, after 42 years of work and at the age of 60, I had the chance to get retired.

After many year sofexcuting work and good health, my idea was to do something for others, especially people who do not have the chance of living in such good condition sas myself.

So I decided to go to India as a volunteer for social. My first journey to India was in 1998 where Ivisited KIRAN Village, a project for handicaped children in Varanasi, which was founded by a Swiss lady.During 2001 - 2002 I worked for several months as a volunteer in her Village. .

In 2003/2004 I had the chance to work as a volunteer in VRO site 92KM near Mallepally. My pleasure was to stay and work with Bhaskar and young trainees in 92Km. Bhaskar was in charge of the site and through himI had some unforgettabl eimpressions and knowledge transferabout Indian culture, especially about people living in the rural side of Telangana. He showed me in a sensitive way, how life is going on in the ratherpoor country side. Frombeginning on I was interestedin the people and culture. .

I could no longer close my eyes in view of farmers who are suffering from failure of crops and finally commit suicide. Children who are hard working for the survival of their family. And especially HIV+ womenw ho are discard from social affiliation. Deep in myheart I feltthatI hadto do somethingto support thispeople. .

One evening Bhaskar and I went to theTee stall near by 92Km. A very young girl was working there in thekitchen. I asked Bhaskar to manage with parents and Tee stall owner that the child could go to school. Another day a lady brought two children who asked usto take care oft them, because they were orphans. .

I asked my self – how can I help?It was clearthatthi s isonly possible with the support of Indian people. For several years I had known Bhaskar D. as an honest friend. So I asked him, if he would participate tocreate and manage the help for orphans, for example with scolarship. .

More and more orphans are demanding support from Solidar Andhra. In 2013 Solidar Andhra builtthe school for hearing Impaired children. .

Every year I comeback to Mallepally. I have many friends here and I like the people who are living around Mallepally and Telangana. .

My self I feel as a friend and not as a foreigner or tourist. .

Today I feel at home like in a family. I like the people who are living and working with us and I verymuch like the wonder fulll and scapet hat surrounds us. My hope and my wishis for many happy returns. .

Josef Aeberhard

Our Dream

Mrs.Heddy explains the Dream that they wanted to see in the result of their efforts

What we have done so far

Mr. Bhaskar, the Executive Director of the Trust Shares his experiences and the important achivements